What is web application?

A web application or web app itself is an application software hosted and served from a remote server and can be run on browser. No matter which OS you are using but important factor is here Browser and server where web app is hosted. Not all websites are Web App. There are mainly two types of...

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The scope and future of the Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence or AI is the future. There are very less training colleges / institutes available in all around the world for dedicated AI and ML training courses, specially lack of qualified and skilled training staffs in this era. There are big IT giants like Google, Facebook,...

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Bandwidth requirement for a dedicated server

It is quite good if you have your own server equipment and technical team and/or you have enough time and technical knowledge to manage the server. I would suggest to go with professional hosting providers. Hosting on your own server will be quite expensive so rent a good VPS or Dedicated server...

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